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Special Bond Remains

By Wouter

A Letter to Achterwerk (Backside), the kids' page in VPRO Gids, 22 July 2000 - translated.

Hello Girl of ten, who wrote "My Teacher" in # 27.

I think I understand very well what you mean. Long time a go, I was a teacher and I had a student with whom I had a very special bond. For me, he was the most pleasant student of the whole world!

When I got sick and had to stay home, I missed him quite, but I never have dared to phone or write him. I thought: People will think: what's going on in the mind of that man who likes a boy?

Last year, I gathered al my courage and I phoned him. It was great to speak each other again. We have talked a whole night about a lot of things. That special bond appeared to have remained! I like him and he likes me. We often call each other and we see each other once a week. A long time, I have missed him and I am very glad he is back in my life.

Concerning your letter: if you still miss your teacher, phone or write him and tell him. The school director must have his address. and that special bond does not disappear.

Wouter (42), former teacher of Sander


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