Vorige Start Omhoog Volgende

DOCUMENTATIESERVICE, Lijst  27, oktober 1997

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97-112   @?   8 pp

Briefing paper: Pedophile databases in the U.K.

97-113   @ B  2 pp

Ages of Consent in Germany

97-114   @   6 pp

IOLH Meeting in Munich, Sept 1996, minutes

97-115a   @   4 pp

The sexual crisis of the West, draft, Dec. 1996

97-115b   @   6 pp

The Toronto Symposium: The sexual crisis of the West, revision 3/97

97-115c   @   4 pp

Additional responses of participants, Toronto Symposium, June 1997

97-116   @  19 pp

Bauserman, R. & Rind, B., Psychological correlates of male child and adolescent sexual experiences with adults, a review of the nonclinical literature, in: Archives of sexual behavior, 26-2, 1997.

(Cfr doc nr 97-096)

97-117   @ B   7p p

Some papers about Viktor Frankl (‘Man’s serach for meaning’)

97-118  -  5 pp

Landgericht Berlin: Beschluss in Sachen der Bruno Gmuender Verlag (=Spartacus) gegen Societe Presse )with translation in Dutch – met Nederlandse vertaling)

97-119   @  B   4 pp

Homosexual pedophilia, by Gunter Schmidt, in: Konkret 3/89 (and refused by the German ‘Pro Familia Magazin!)

97-120   @ B   9 pp

Salem’s Shadow, by Jim D’Entremont & Bob Chalette in: The Guide, July 1997 (about the satanic abuse panic)

97-121  @  B  4 pp

Medication of children, a critical look at the foster care system (in the USA), by Rick Thoma at rthoma@RICA.NET in 6 March 1997.

97-122   @  B  19 pp

About the False Memory Syndrome (Foundation, USA): several letters/articles from Colombia Journalism Review, sep-okt 1997.

97-123   @  B   3 pp

Gay intergenerational relatioships, by Gerald Moonen (AMBLA) in: Out! Magazine, October 1997.

97-124   @  B   7 pp

History of boy chat (recent history of one or more boy love chat sites on the web), by Alexis

97-125   @  B  8 pp

Submission about youth suicide, advice to the National youth suicide prevention strategy, Ministry of youth affairs, Wellington NZ, by Gerald Moonen

97-126   @  B   11 pp

Monsters with human faces, by Dea Birkett, in The Guardian Weekend, September 17, 1997 (Interviews with some boy/girl lovers; Dea tries to show the human face after the label ‘pedophile’)

97-127   @  B   2 pp

Megan’s law provides dangerous data for better or for worse, by Ron Lazar, in: Bay Area Reporter, Aug. 22, 1997.

97-128   @  B   3 pp

Leave children out of the decency debate, by Jonathon Weber, at


97-129   @  B   2 pp

Australian Wood Royal Commission in NSW recomments & other news, from The Australian 27-8-97.

97-130   @  B   6 pp

Creating false memories, by E.F. Lotus, in: Scientific American, 277 p 70-75, Sept. 1997.

97-131a   @  B   3 pp

AOC laws, some details & remarks, from PTFW Web site)

97-131b   @  B   1 p

AOC laws in Autralia & New Zealand

97-132    @  B  10 pp

India’s tiny slaves, by Laura Bobak, in Ottowa Sun, Oct. 23, 1996.

97-133   @   3 pp

About ‘Pedophilia’, Summary of a lecture given by Frans Gieles, Ph.D., at the University of Utrecht, NL, introducing a panel discussion on pedophilia, published in Utrechts Nieuwsblad January 23, 1997

97-134  -   vele pp

De macht van het kind, themanummer, Intermediair, 29-12-'95

97-135   @  B   10 pp

The battered Jewish child in antiquity, by Mei Bar-Ilan; abstract

97-136   @  B   2 pp

Recovering memory is banned by psychiatrists, by Celia Hall, Daily Tel. 1-10-97

97-137   -  8 pp

Justice gone crazy, by Trevor Armbrister (about the Bobby Fijnje case), in Readers Digest, Jan. '94.

97-138   @  B   2 pp

Don't reject gay children; Bishop's letter tells Catholics, from http://www.bergen.com/news/gaycath9710012.htm

97-139   @  B   many pp

The Manzie & Werner case, dossier.

97-140  -   4 pp

TV geweld steekt jeugd aan, wetenschappelijk bewijs geleverd, door Yvonne Laudi in Tel. 7 juni 1997

97-141    7 pp

Onze kinderen zijn tuig (over Marokkaanse tieners), door B. Assink, F.v.Deijl & H. Schilders, in Revu 12-2-97

97-142  -   4 pp

Op zoek naar eigen identiteit, Turkse jeugd speelbal van links en rechts, door Nevin Atici & Dirk Mellema, in GD 12-4-97

97-143   -   1 pp

Gids voor de jeugdfauna (alto, punk, hiphop…enz.) in Elsevier 15-2-97

97-144   -   7 pp

De waanzinnige wereld van de 12-jarige, de agenda-generatie, in Revu 6-8-977

97-145  -  4 pp

Doolhof van de eenzaamheid; huisvriend Theo misbruikte jarenlang drie kinderen uit één gezin, door Niko Hoffer in GD 19-7-97

97-146   -   10 pp

Wilhelm Reich, de messias van het orgasme, door Michiel Louter + Het politiek correcte orgasme, Wilhelm Reich 100 jaar, Groene Essay, in De Groene A'dmmr 19-3-97

Vorige Start Omhoog Volgende