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Documentation Service List 41 NL E 13, December 2001 

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Theories of child porn's harm, Robin Sharpe
I want to examine these theories from a logical common sense approach.

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Studies of the effect of pornography, Robin Sharpe
This document is devoted to exploring some of the available research data that was used to come to this conclusion.

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8 kB

'Dr. Laura' debacle won't go away as vetoed article dispute reveals. From "The National Psychologist: The Web Site of The Independent Newspaper for Practitioners", vol. 10, no. 4, July/August 2001, at http://nationalpsychologist.com/articles/art_v10n4_1.htm
The "Dr.Laura" controversy that caused the American Psychological Association (APA) serious embarrassment two years ago, is turning into an on-going soap opera that has lately threatened to divide the association into warring camps.
The latest chapter was being written this spring when a once-accepted, then rejected, and finally re-accepted article by Scott Lilienfeld, Ph.D., an Emory University psychology professor, questioned APA's handling of the 1999 incident over a study of child sexual abuse.

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 A part of the article "David and Goliath: When Empirical and Clinical Standards of Practice Meet" by Larry E. Beutler, Ph.D. (2000)
The article claims that psychosocial treatments are often selected, practiced and governmentally approved based on procedures that are political or commercial in nature, or that do not stand the test of scientific rigor. The "American Psychiatric Association" is especially criticized in this respect. The first part of the article discusses the reign of dubious treatments primarily in light of the recovered memories & satanic ritual abuse saga. 

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Book review: Stealing Innocence: corporate culture's war on children, By Henry A Giroux. Palgrave, 9.99
Childhood is a social construction as well as a biological process. Parents, increasingly backed up by the state, have always tended to raise children in the light of what they believe others will expect of them in later life, with such expectations varying according to family wealth and prevailing cultural and economic norms

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 Boys Starting Puberty Early, Study Finds, 14th September 2001
A new study suggests that boys in the United States, like girls, are entering puberty slightly earlier than previously thought, with blacks the most likely to develop the first signs by age 10.

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Book note: Men in Wonderland: The Lost Girlhood of the Victorian Gentleman, by Catherine Robson
Fascination with little girls pervaded Victorian culture. For many, girls represented the true essence of childhood or bygone times of innocence; but for middle-class men, especially writers, the interest ran much deeper. In *Men in Wonderland*, Catherine Robson explores the ways in which various nineteenth-century British male authors constructed girlhood,

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Book sparks call to pardon Ellis, by Donna Chishoim, in: Sunday Star Times September 30 2001
AN AUTHOR who has spent seven years researching the Peter Ellis case has called for the government to pardon Ellis and set up a commission of inquiry into the criminal justice system.


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Ellis in blunderland; A new book on the Peter Ellis case concludes he was the innocent victim of a city in the grip of mass hysteria, by Donna Chisholm reports, in: Sunday Star Times, New Zealand, September 30 2001 Page C5
OPEN Lynley Hood's latest book like an onion and peel back layer after layer of injustice. Read it and weep. Put the cops in the Peter Ellis case on trial, along with the sex abuse industry, social welfare and the judiciary and return the verdicts

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Uproar Over Child Sex Study Still Going Strong After Two Years, By Walter Truett Anderson, Pacific News Service, May 30, 2001 

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Abandoned, vulnerable and exploited: Britain's rent boys;  It is a hidden world - but the numbers of boys being forced into  prostitution is an untold scandal,  Amelia Hill,  The Observer, December 9, 2001

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[Misconception:] The concept of 'youth' was nonexistent in the Middle Ages.
Translated from 'Kleine encyclopedie van misvattingen' (Small encyclopedia of misconceptions) by Hans van Maanen, Boom 1990.

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Stanford researcher rebukes study claiming little ill-effect of child sexual abuse, By Sheila Foster, Stanford Report, December 5, 2001

01-116 @ 105 kB

Articles about RBT - Index, list & references to BibTeX entries

01-117 @ 5.6 kB

Book review of: Paul Golding: The Abomination (Picador; London; 2000; 16 Hardback; 515 pages)

The Abomination is a novel revolving around the love life of a boy in a British boarding school.

01-118 @ 42 kB

"Alarmierende Viktimisierungsraten": - Techniken der Übertreibung und ihre Folgen, Von Martin Killias, Lausanne
Es gehört heute in der Forschung zu Gewalt und Mißbrauch in der Familie zum guten Ton, möglichst alarmierende Viktimisierungsraten zu veröffentlichen und dadurch eine moralische Panik in der Öffentlichkeit zu perpetuieren, die immer bedenklichere Auswüchse zeitigt. Dabei lassen sich bestimmte wiederkehrende Techniken identifizieren, die Viktimisierungsraten systematisch als besonders hoch und qualitativ dramatisch erscheinen lassen.

01-119 @ 2.6 kB

Book review of: 'The Wrong Boy', by Willy Russell, Doubleday/Black Swan, 2000
Raymond Marks, the central character and 'wrong boy' of the title, is a morbid soul, and so would anyone be who had been through what he has by the age of 16.

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