Commander Israeli Civil Administration
(Sub Committee for Supervision of Building Activity in Beth El),
Fax: +972 2 997 7326
Mr. Ehud Olmert, Israeli Prime Minister: E-mail:
Fax: +972 2 566 4838 or +972 2 267 5475, Tel: +972 2 670 5555
Ambassade van Israël, Buitenhof 47, 2513 AH Den Haag, tel 070-3760506,
fax 070-3760555, e-mail
Dr Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State U.S Department of State,
2210 C Street N.W, Washington D.C 20520,USA
tel: (USA) 202 647 5291(Dr. Rice's office) / 202 647 4000 (State Dept. main
number) Email:
Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, Ambassador's Office, Oz
House 13th floor, P.O.Box 1967, Ramat Gan, Israël