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Raboch, Jan, 20

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt lich Organizations (RICO) Act, 235n. 12

Rafael Diaz Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (San Francisco),216

Rainie, Harrison M., 242n. 87

Raising a Child Conservatively in a Sexually Permissive World (Gordon and Gordon), 105

Rakowsky, Deb, 135, 137, 156, 160

Ramsey, JonBenet, 4,27

Rape, ix;

age of victims of, 72;
arrests for, 25;
on dates, xxiv, xxxiii;
of "Diane Diamond,' 50;
feminists' concerns about, xxiii;
among homeless teens, 211;
and masculinity, 157, 267n. 6;
and pornography, 12;
statutory, 68-89;
treatment for perpetrators of, 26, 72, 236n. 30;
in wartime, 66

Rappaport, Joan, 131,132

Ray Brook Federal Correctional Institution (New York), 83

Reagan, Ronald, 12,91,97

Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood (Pollack), 170

Redbook magazine, 18

"Reducing the Risk" (ETR Associates), 129

Reed, Lowell A., 12

"Refusal skills," xxiv

Refuse & Resist! 121-22

Reich. Wilhelm, 159

Reichert, Michael, 156

Reiss, Ira, x

Religious Right:

and abortion, 117, 125-26;
censorship influenced by, 3, 11-19, 35-36, 41,115,130,132, 185;
fear promoted by, 33, 35-36, 38, 105-8;
federal government's funding of sex-ed programs, 98-101;
influence of, on national sexual policy, x; xi, xxiii, xxvi, 48, 90-126, 199, 231n. 16;
sex ed by, 90-116.
See also
"Chi protection" efforts; Family values; Private sector

Remafedi, Gary, 204, 208, 209

Reno, Janet, 44

Reno v. ACLU, 11

Repellier, Agnes, 6, 230n. 5

Reppucci, N. Dickson, 269n. 15

Respect Inc., 98

Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls (Pipher), 165-66

Rhode Island, 88, 262n. 25

Rich, Adrienne, 151

RICO Act, 235n. 12

Right wing. See Religious Right

Rind, Bruce, 86, 237n. 35

Ripper, Marge, 120


behaviors, 208-9;
decisions regarding, 209-16;
"group," 207-9;
and love 213-15;
social factors relating to, 200-201;
and substance abuse, 272n. 19

Robbins, Riki, 195, 197

Roe v. Wade, 95,117,119,123

Roffman, Deborah, 159

Role playing, 131

Romance (love), 109-10, 165-68 212-13

Romantic Era, xxviii, xxx

Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 152, 154

Roper, Martha, 105

Roth, William V., 43

Roundtable on Adolescent Pregnancy and Prevention, 12

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, xxviii

Rukeyser, Muriel, 151

Runaway children, 24